Hi, hi, hi Foodsista!!!!
Udah kasih supply buat perutnya belom?
Udah ada rencana mau makan apa ntar?
Mau masak/nyemil tapi males ribet?
Well, if you guys still don't know what you're gonna have for today, so maybe you can try this out.. 😉
"Homey Pancake"
2 butir telur ayam
3 gelas belimbing tepung serbaguna
1/2 gelas belimbing susu dancow instan
1/2 gelas gula pasir
1/2 sdt baking soda
1/2 sdt vanilla paste
3/4 bks mentega (yang sudah dicairkan)
200ml air putih dingin (1 + 1/4 gelas belimbing)
Sejumput garam
Ice cream
Chocolate sauce / skm coklat
Any favorite fruits/nuts
How to make?
Here's the fun fact..
You can just mix everything in one big bowl until it all combined perfectly..
Yang penting teksturnya gak terlalu kental, tapi juga gak terlalu cair..
Setelah itu selesai, adonan pancakenya bisa disimpan di kulkas dulu biar adonannya set.. Sekitar 20-30 menit cukup kok...
After that, you can start to make it on a pan and plate it off..
Stack it, garnish it, and just put everything or any garnish that you want as beautifully as you want it to be..
Last but not the least,
Enjoy the Homey Pancake, Foodsista !!!! 😊😘
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thanx youuuuu